Time Management Problems at College

by Chirag
(Goa, India)

I have problems dealing with everything mentioned in your page on time management for college students. Where do I start?

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It's understandable to feel overwhelmed, Chirag.

That being the case here are three time management problems that many college students find challenging with some solutions that you may find useful...

1. Managing workload

The amount of work you get at college peaks and troughs. One moment you’re gliding along without any concerns, the next you’re snowed under with essays, assignments and projects to prepare for.

Once you’ve got them it’s a question of organising your time so that everything gets done to a satisfactory standard.

‘Satisfactory’ is not nearly as popular with course tutors as ‘the best you can do’. But it’s important to make the distinction between the two terms. If you give everything your best, you’re chasing perfection... always a dangerous waste of time unless applied only when it really needs to be, and a danger to your health. Aim for ‘good enough’.

The key to managing workload is to write down what has to be done and to schedule doing something about everything each week. Make an appointment with yourself. People who use a daily planner will invariably find this easier.

2. Procrastination

When you know what to do, but you just can’t face the thought of doing it, you’ll procrastinate. Alternatively, maybe you’re got ‘plenty of time’ to do it, so you leave it until the last minute to do.

The solution to this is to reduce the resistance you’ve built up in your mind. Make your work easier and more manageable by breaking it down into bite size chunks. You can use time, lines or some other method to measure the amount you actually do. But whatever it is, make it small enough to face doing.

For example, let’s say you have a 3000 word essay due in three weeks. Put it in your planner under tomorrow’s date. How long can you realistically face working on it for? Doing a little bit daily is the key to getting something done.

3. Getting distracted

Distractions are everywhere, and they’re never going to go away. You may not be able to eliminate them, but you can avoid them if you know how to stay focused.

Even if you manage to sit down at home or in a study area at college, distractions are still everywhere. The difference is, they’re on the internet. You need some strategies to limit wasting time online.

College is a golden opportunity. Enjoy it, and make the most of it!

Best wishes,


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