Brief Study Tips

by Freedom Felix
(Abuja, Nigeria)

Freedom has offered a selection of study tips. My comments on each one are in italics...

Define your time. How much have you actually got?

This is hugely important. Whether it's a quick task or a lifetime ambition, whatever time frame you're using, it's limited. Whether it is set by someone else or you define it yourself, make sure you know what you have at your disposal.

Set your priorities each day. I write every task I want to accomplish on paper and place it where I can constantly see it to remind myself. It sure helps.

Excellent advice. Of all the tips on setting goals this one's the best. Putting your goals on paper is without a doubt the most effective way to make them happen because you are constantly reminded of them (assuming you post them somewhere you'll keep seeing them).

Associate with sound students. If possible study together. Never depend on them, but use them to help yourself to improve.

This one is very much as question of personal choice. Some people focus better in groups, whereas others work best alone. Interesting point about never depending on others.

Add value to others' lives. Drop your pride, and help them out!

Well said!

Understand yourself.

In terms of studying, this is crucial. Identify when you work best on high value tasks and when doing so is going against the grain. Ring fence your most productive time and guard it religously.

Commit to succeeding. Study hard and love challenges. Talk less and do more.

Success relies on your willingness to take action. If those actions are relevant to what you want, sooner or later you'll achieve whatever you're aiming for. But it's the doing part that matters. In other words, actions speak louder than words. In the context of studying, it's better to get things done and then improve them. Make it your personal policy to adopt a 'ready, fire, aim' approach as opposed to 'ready, aim, fire'...

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