
by Sine
(South Africa)

Aiming for that A? This is how I did it...

I've realized that I never ever forget something once I've fully understood it. This way, you're being educated, and at the same time you won't have to really have to worry about 'forgetting' if you truly understand what's going on.

How to go about doing this ?

Keep the questions coming. That's what your teachers are there for! Continue asking them for help until you really understand what's going on, so much so that you feel confident about that particular learning area.

I've always found it difficult to study at home because that's my 'chill zone' and I just have to rest after a long day of hard work!

But I figured out how to overcome this.

Drinking a glass of water then going back to my room, sit beside all my books and take a deep breath. This really works for me because it energizes me in a way and because I'm hydrated, I study for a longer period.

Because I hate, with a passion, to stay up till 2:00am, I literally stopped. I need my sleep.

However, I still get about 4/5 hours of study time everyday. To get my homework out of the way, NO MATTER WHAT, as soon as I get home I get it done before 6pm. Then from 6-9pm / 7-10pm I study (I do this during exam times). This ensures that I get enough study time while getting enough sleep.

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Your suggestions raise some interesting issues, Sine...

Asking until you understand is very effective. For many people, though, this can be difficult. They feel awkward or even stupid for asking a question, particularly if the teacher/lecturer isn't very approachable.

(If you're reading this and you identify with the above the best advice I can give you is to remember that it's the difficult conversations we 'risk' in life that make the biggest difference.)

You mention that drinking water helps you stay 'energized'. Staying hydrated is an easily overlooked habit. It's easy to say 'drink more water'.

The trick is to make it easy to do - keep a bottle on your desk or somewhere else that is visible and easy to reach.

Finally, you mention that you get your homework done before you study.

Looking at your evening schedule, what jumps out is how little free time you'd have.

Is it realistic to produce quality work for three hours a night after homework and a full working day?

If you can, then that's great. If not, join the club!

Many people find shorter blocks more effective (30-60 minutes).

- Tim

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